The Prestige Apps Collection

The Prestige App Collection consists of 7 apps commanding an ultra-premium price tag.

Each app, indeed the entire collection, is designed for wealthy people who enjoy collecting. You may already collect art, antiques, cars, stamps, and the like. You can now start collecting apps.

Each app is priced at the maximum allowed by the Google Play store. So the collection will be somewhat costly but still affordable for those with money.

Warren Buffett once said, "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." The price of each app does not begin to reflect the enormous value you will get. Prestige - hence the name of the collection - confidence, self worth, respect, admiration, jealousy from others, are all things you may get.

Each app serves one purpose only - to prove you have money to burn without a second thought. The apps do not do anything - they are not games, utilities or productivity tools. Instead each app features just one screen bearing the name of the app.

Prove money means nothing to you and that you have so much you can spend it any way you please. Start your app collection today and be unique amongst collectors the world over.

If you are reading this then it is unlikely you can afford to purchase these apps at the moment. But fear not, come back when you have the money.